
As part of our commitment to transparency in relation to your personal information, and to support your privacy and data protection rights and interests, we have provided a list below of key supervisory authorities for your reference. This list is provided as a courtesy and is not reflective or inclusive of all applicable supervisory authorities or the jurisdictions in which we operate.

You have a right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate data protection or privacy supervisory authority if you have concerns about how F&P Healthcare processes your personal information, or if you raise a request or concern us and you are not satisfied with our response.

We are a global organisation which is headquartered in New Zealand, this includes many of our business activities. Additional supervisory authorities for privacy and data protection rights may be applicable based on your country of residency and/or the country from which our business activities are based and interact with you from. The New Zealand supervisory authority is provided below.

Office of the Privacy Commissioner

PO Box 10 094,


New Zealand 6143

Phone +64 (09) 3028680


Our Privacy team can assist if you are unsure about the appropriate authority to contact.


Supervisory Authorities for Key Jurisdictions

We endeavour to ensure this is accurate and up-to-date. We encourage you to confirm the accuracy of contact information provided in websites listed.


Region CountrySupervisory AuthorityWebsite 
EUROPEFranceCommission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés
GermanyLfDl Baden-Württemberg  
United KingdomInformation Commissioner’s Office
TurkeyKişisel Verileri Koruma Kurumu
United States 
Federal Trade Commission
Office of the Privacy Commissioner
SOUTH AMERICABrazilNational Data Protection Authority
MexicoNational Institute of Transparency for Access to Information and Personal Data Protection
ASIA-PACIFICNew ZealandOffice of the Privacy Commissioner
AustraliaOffice of the Australian Information Commissioner
ChinaThe Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC)
Hong KongThe Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
JapanPersonal Information Protection Commission
South KoreaPersonal Information Protection Commission
OTHERRussiaFederal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Media (i.e., Roscomnadzor)