Watch below to compare NHF and NIV. Learn about how Nasal High Flow can be used as a ‘multitool’ of respiratory support – are you maximizing the therapy in your hospital? #MakeYourFlowMatter
Our preferred generic descriptor is nasal high flow because it’s all about nasal delivery of high flows of humidified air.
Commercially, we call it Optiflow™ nasal high flow therapy which can be delivered in several different ways, i.e., there are several devices you can use to provide Optiflow NHF therapy.
The higher rates of flow (independent of oxygen) confer benefits that oxygen alone cannot, i.e., reduction of dead space and dynamic, positive airway pressure, both of which can increase alveolar ventilation.
Heating and humidifying not only make high gas flows tolerable but also prevent desiccation of the airway epithelium and maintain and improve mucociliary clearance (MCT).
Your MCT system is fundamental in protecting your vulnerable airways and lungs - it's not just about comfort.
Watch the MCT system in action on the right - turn the audio on.
You might also be interested in how quickly NHF works.
An ever-increasing body of evidence has allowed medical societies worldwide (including AARC, ESICM, and ERS) to create guidelines and make recommendations for the use of NHF compared to other forms of NIV and conventional oxygen therapies.
The guidelines include the use of NHF for:
There are several benefits:
1. a mask seal is not required, making setup a more straightforward process,
2. it's proven to be more comfortable, which may encourage therapy compliance
3. a smaller, less intrusive interface may facilitate better communication with caregivers and loved ones.